Battles & Leaders Series
Savas Beatie is pleased to introduce our new series. Too often, manuscripts with outstanding potential are shuttled aside and forgotten because they are a little on the shorter side or focus on battles, characters, or events that are not traditionally big sellers, like Gettysburg, Vicksburg, or Antietam. This series was created for these manuscripts.
And then we did something else. We designed a special interior layout that hints at times past, a Victorian-style elegance that is as attractive as it is pleasing to the eye. The main typeface is Bookman Old Style, the captions are set in Book Antiqua. The title and header font—Ringbearer—is really unique and one we have never used before.
We cut the trim size a tad to 5.5 x 8.5 so they stand out, added a luxury matte finish to the jacket, and used heavier 60# acid-free paper. The price is modest. These books are keepers.
The first few titles include:
Thirteen Months in Dixie (by Oscar Federhen, S. Knowlton and J. S. Honstein, eds.) Oct. 2022
The Battle of Jackson, Mississippi (by Chris Mackowski) Oct. 2022
Outwitting Forrest: The Tupelo Campaign in Mississippi, June 22 - July 23, 1864 (by David A. Powell (Aug. 2023)
The Johnson-Gilmor Raid (by Eric J. Wittenberg) Mar. 2025
We think you will love the series, and we look forward to hearing from you.