In this job,
you never know where a search will lead you as I recently stumbled upon a home
for sale in Tennessee that dates back to the Civil War time period. This home registered
with the National Register of Historic
Places is just Northeast of Nashville and sits on almost 4 acres just a mile or
so from the Cumberland River. During the Civil War, this home was used by the
Union Army as a hospital and then later purchased by a Confederate Colonel where
it stayed in the family for 5 generations. The home built circa 1850 lends to an
Italianate architectural style and through the years has been updated and cared
for with meticulous hands and deep passion for the history that is layered in the historic walls. Feel free to take a video tour of the Fite-Williams-Ligon
House in Tennessee and just maybe you might be interested in
purchasing this historic home in Tennessee ;)